Notion Formulas 101: The Beginner's Blueprint for 2025

Notion Formulas 101: The Beginner's Blueprint for 2025

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Picture this: You're managing a complex project in Notion. You need to track deadlines, calculate budgets, and visualize progress—all while keeping information updated automatically as things change. Sounds impossible? Not with Notion formulas.

Notion formulas are the secret weapon that transforms your workspace from a simple document into a powerful, dynamic system that works for you. They're like having a mini-programmer inside your databases, constantly calculating, updating, and organizing your information exactly how you need it.

In this guide, we'll demystify Notion formulas and show you exactly how to use them—even if you've never written a single line of code before. By the end, you'll be able to create formulas that calculate dates, format text, make decisions based on conditions, and much more. Once you've mastered these basics, you can advance to Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples to take your skills even further.

Let's dive in and start building your formula foundation.

What Are Notion Formulas?

Notion formulas are bits of code that perform operations on your database properties. Think of them as Excel formulas, but more versatile and built specifically for Notion's ecosystem.

At their core, formulas take inputs (usually data from other properties), process them according to rules you define, and produce outputs that display in your database. The magic happens automatically—whenever your data changes, the formula recalculates instantly.

When to Use Notion Formulas

Formulas shine when you need to:

  • Calculate values: Total project costs, time remaining until deadlines, or average ratings

  • Format information: Combine first and last names, format dates, or create custom labels

  • Make conditional decisions: Highlight overdue tasks, categorize items based on criteria, or show different information depending on status

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Generate IDs, display progress bars, or create dynamic links

Creating Your First Formula Property

Let's start by adding a formula property to a database:

  1. Click the ... menu in your database (top-right corner)

  2. Select "Properties"

  3. Click "+ Add a property"

  4. Choose "Formula" from the dropdown

  5. Name your property

  6. Click "Edit formula" to open the formula editor

The formula editor is where the magic happens. It has four main sections:

  1. Editor Field: Where you write your formula

  2. Live Preview: Shows the current value returned by your formula

  3. Component List: Displays available properties, functions, and operators

  4. Context Window: Provides descriptions and examples for selected elements

Understanding Data Types in Notion Formulas

Before we dive into creating formulas, it's important to understand the different types of data you'll be working with. Each data type has specific functions and behaviors.

String (Text)

Strings are any text values. They're always wrapped in quotes in formulas.

"Hello world"


Numbers can be integers or decimals. You can perform mathematical operations on them.



Boolean values represent true or false states. In Notion, they appear as checkboxes.



Date objects contain date and optionally time information. They can be manipulated with date functions.


List (Array)

Lists store multiple values together. They can be accessed and manipulated with list functions.

[1, 2, 3]
["red", "green", "blue"]


Page values are references to other pages in your workspace, often created through relations.

Property Types in Formulas

When you reference properties in your formulas, the data type matters. Here's how different property types convert:

Essential Formula Components

Now that you understand data types, let's look at the building blocks of formulas.


Operators perform actions on values.

Mathematical Operators

  • + Addition (also used for text concatenation)

  • - Subtraction

  • x Multiplication

  • / Division

  • % Modulo (remainder after division)

  • ^ Exponentiation

Comparison Operators

  • == Equal to

  • != Not equal to

  • > Greater than

  • < Less than

  • >= Greater than or equal to

  • <= Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

  • and or && Logical AND

  • or or || Logical OR

  • not or ! Logical NOT


Functions are pre-built operations that perform specific tasks. Here are some essential ones:

Text Functions

  • concat(): Combines text strings

  • length(): Returns the length of text

  • format(): Converts a value to text

  • replace(): Replaces text within a string

  • lower() and upper(): Change text case

Number Functions

  • round(), floor(), ceil(): Round numbers

  • abs(): Get absolute value

  • min(), max(): Find minimum or maximum values

  • add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(): Perform calculations

Date Functions

  • now(): Current date and time

  • dateAdd(), dateSubtract(): Add or subtract from dates

  • dateBetween(): Calculate difference between dates

  • formatDate(): Format dates as text

Logical Functions

  • if(): Returns different values based on a condition

  • empty(): Checks if a value is empty

Property References

To reference another property in your formula, use:

prop("Property Name")

For example, to reference a property called "Due Date":

prop("Due Date")

Building Your First Formulas

Let's put it all together and create some useful formulas for everyday use.

1. Simple Calculation: Total Cost

Calculate the total cost by adding tax to the base price:

prop("Base Price") + (prop("Base Price") * prop("Tax Rate"))

2. Text Formatting: Full Name

Combine first and last names with proper spacing:

prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

3. Date Operations: Days Until Deadline

Calculate how many days remain until a deadline:

dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

4. Conditional Logic: Status Indicator

Display different status messages based on a condition:

if(prop("Complete"), "✅ Done", "⏳ In Progress")

5. Progress Indicator: Completion Percentage

Show a visual progress bar based on completion percentage:

if(prop("Progress") >= 1, "██████████ 100%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.9, "█████████░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.8, "████████░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.7, "███████░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.6, "██████░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.5, "█████░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.4, "████░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.3, "███░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.2, "██░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.1, "█░░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
"░░░░░░░░░░ 0%"))))))))))

Troubleshooting Common Formula Errors

Even experienced formula builders encounter errors. Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

Syntax Errors

Problem: Missing parentheses, quotes, or commas. Solution: Count your opening and closing parentheses, and ensure all strings are properly quoted.

Type Errors

Problem: Using functions on the wrong data types. Solution: Make sure you're using the right functions for each data type. For example, don't try to add numbers to text without converting them first.

Empty Results

Problem: Formula returns nothing. Solution: Check if your referenced properties are empty. Use the empty() function to provide fallback values.

Name Errors

Problem: Property references don't work. Solution: Double-check property names for exact spelling and capitalization.

Formula Building Workflow: A Step-by-Step Process

Follow these steps to build effective formulas:

  1. Define the goal: What do you want your formula to accomplish?

  2. Identify inputs: Which properties will you need to reference?

  3. Choose functions: What operations do you need to perform?

  4. Start simple: Build the basic formula first

  5. Test and iterate: Add complexity gradually, testing each step

  6. Break it down: For complex formulas, build parts separately then combine them

  7. Document: Add comments to complex formulas using /* Comment */ syntax

Notion Formula Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Here's a quick reference guide for the most useful formula patterns:

Text Manipulation

// Combine text
prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

// Format numbers as text
format(prop("Number Property"))

// Check if text contains a substring
contains(prop("Text Property"), "search term")

Date Operations

// Days until deadline
dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

// Add days to a date
dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 7, "days")

// Format date as text
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM D, YYYY")

Conditional Logic

// Basic if statement
if(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

// Multiple conditions
if(condition1, value1,
  if(condition2, value2,
    if(condition3, value3, default_value)))


// Basic math
prop("Number1") + prop("Number2")

// Percentage
(prop("Part") / prop("Whole")) * 100

// Rounding


Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the powerful world of Notion formulas. By understanding the basics of data types, functions, and syntax, you've built a solid foundation for creating dynamic, automated systems in your Notion workspace.

Start by implementing the simple examples we've covered, then gradually experiment with more complex formulas as your confidence grows. Remember, even the most complex formulas are just combinations of the basic principles you've learned today.

Ready to level up? Check out our Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples guide, where we explore more sophisticated techniques and real-world applications that will take your Notion skills to the next level. And if you're concerned about performance, don't miss our guide on Notion Formula Optimization to keep your databases running smoothly.

Need More Help With Notion Formulas?

While this guide covers the essentials, creating complex formulas can still be challenging for beginners. If you'd like expert assistance with your specific formula needs, check out our Notion Formula AI Assistant.

This AI-powered tool helps you:

  • Generate ready-to-use formulas through simple conversations

  • Troubleshoot and fix formula errors instantly

  • Optimize existing formulas for better performance

  • Learn formula best practices while you work

Perfect for beginners who want to leverage advanced formula capabilities without the steep learning curve!

Until then, happy formula building!

Picture this: You're managing a complex project in Notion. You need to track deadlines, calculate budgets, and visualize progress—all while keeping information updated automatically as things change. Sounds impossible? Not with Notion formulas.

Notion formulas are the secret weapon that transforms your workspace from a simple document into a powerful, dynamic system that works for you. They're like having a mini-programmer inside your databases, constantly calculating, updating, and organizing your information exactly how you need it.

In this guide, we'll demystify Notion formulas and show you exactly how to use them—even if you've never written a single line of code before. By the end, you'll be able to create formulas that calculate dates, format text, make decisions based on conditions, and much more. Once you've mastered these basics, you can advance to Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples to take your skills even further.

Let's dive in and start building your formula foundation.

What Are Notion Formulas?

Notion formulas are bits of code that perform operations on your database properties. Think of them as Excel formulas, but more versatile and built specifically for Notion's ecosystem.

At their core, formulas take inputs (usually data from other properties), process them according to rules you define, and produce outputs that display in your database. The magic happens automatically—whenever your data changes, the formula recalculates instantly.

When to Use Notion Formulas

Formulas shine when you need to:

  • Calculate values: Total project costs, time remaining until deadlines, or average ratings

  • Format information: Combine first and last names, format dates, or create custom labels

  • Make conditional decisions: Highlight overdue tasks, categorize items based on criteria, or show different information depending on status

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Generate IDs, display progress bars, or create dynamic links

Creating Your First Formula Property

Let's start by adding a formula property to a database:

  1. Click the ... menu in your database (top-right corner)

  2. Select "Properties"

  3. Click "+ Add a property"

  4. Choose "Formula" from the dropdown

  5. Name your property

  6. Click "Edit formula" to open the formula editor

The formula editor is where the magic happens. It has four main sections:

  1. Editor Field: Where you write your formula

  2. Live Preview: Shows the current value returned by your formula

  3. Component List: Displays available properties, functions, and operators

  4. Context Window: Provides descriptions and examples for selected elements

Understanding Data Types in Notion Formulas

Before we dive into creating formulas, it's important to understand the different types of data you'll be working with. Each data type has specific functions and behaviors.

String (Text)

Strings are any text values. They're always wrapped in quotes in formulas.

"Hello world"


Numbers can be integers or decimals. You can perform mathematical operations on them.



Boolean values represent true or false states. In Notion, they appear as checkboxes.



Date objects contain date and optionally time information. They can be manipulated with date functions.


List (Array)

Lists store multiple values together. They can be accessed and manipulated with list functions.

[1, 2, 3]
["red", "green", "blue"]


Page values are references to other pages in your workspace, often created through relations.

Property Types in Formulas

When you reference properties in your formulas, the data type matters. Here's how different property types convert:

Essential Formula Components

Now that you understand data types, let's look at the building blocks of formulas.


Operators perform actions on values.

Mathematical Operators

  • + Addition (also used for text concatenation)

  • - Subtraction

  • x Multiplication

  • / Division

  • % Modulo (remainder after division)

  • ^ Exponentiation

Comparison Operators

  • == Equal to

  • != Not equal to

  • > Greater than

  • < Less than

  • >= Greater than or equal to

  • <= Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

  • and or && Logical AND

  • or or || Logical OR

  • not or ! Logical NOT


Functions are pre-built operations that perform specific tasks. Here are some essential ones:

Text Functions

  • concat(): Combines text strings

  • length(): Returns the length of text

  • format(): Converts a value to text

  • replace(): Replaces text within a string

  • lower() and upper(): Change text case

Number Functions

  • round(), floor(), ceil(): Round numbers

  • abs(): Get absolute value

  • min(), max(): Find minimum or maximum values

  • add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(): Perform calculations

Date Functions

  • now(): Current date and time

  • dateAdd(), dateSubtract(): Add or subtract from dates

  • dateBetween(): Calculate difference between dates

  • formatDate(): Format dates as text

Logical Functions

  • if(): Returns different values based on a condition

  • empty(): Checks if a value is empty

Property References

To reference another property in your formula, use:

prop("Property Name")

For example, to reference a property called "Due Date":

prop("Due Date")

Building Your First Formulas

Let's put it all together and create some useful formulas for everyday use.

1. Simple Calculation: Total Cost

Calculate the total cost by adding tax to the base price:

prop("Base Price") + (prop("Base Price") * prop("Tax Rate"))

2. Text Formatting: Full Name

Combine first and last names with proper spacing:

prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

3. Date Operations: Days Until Deadline

Calculate how many days remain until a deadline:

dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

4. Conditional Logic: Status Indicator

Display different status messages based on a condition:

if(prop("Complete"), "✅ Done", "⏳ In Progress")

5. Progress Indicator: Completion Percentage

Show a visual progress bar based on completion percentage:

if(prop("Progress") >= 1, "██████████ 100%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.9, "█████████░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.8, "████████░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.7, "███████░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.6, "██████░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.5, "█████░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.4, "████░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.3, "███░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.2, "██░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.1, "█░░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
"░░░░░░░░░░ 0%"))))))))))

Troubleshooting Common Formula Errors

Even experienced formula builders encounter errors. Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

Syntax Errors

Problem: Missing parentheses, quotes, or commas. Solution: Count your opening and closing parentheses, and ensure all strings are properly quoted.

Type Errors

Problem: Using functions on the wrong data types. Solution: Make sure you're using the right functions for each data type. For example, don't try to add numbers to text without converting them first.

Empty Results

Problem: Formula returns nothing. Solution: Check if your referenced properties are empty. Use the empty() function to provide fallback values.

Name Errors

Problem: Property references don't work. Solution: Double-check property names for exact spelling and capitalization.

Formula Building Workflow: A Step-by-Step Process

Follow these steps to build effective formulas:

  1. Define the goal: What do you want your formula to accomplish?

  2. Identify inputs: Which properties will you need to reference?

  3. Choose functions: What operations do you need to perform?

  4. Start simple: Build the basic formula first

  5. Test and iterate: Add complexity gradually, testing each step

  6. Break it down: For complex formulas, build parts separately then combine them

  7. Document: Add comments to complex formulas using /* Comment */ syntax

Notion Formula Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Here's a quick reference guide for the most useful formula patterns:

Text Manipulation

// Combine text
prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

// Format numbers as text
format(prop("Number Property"))

// Check if text contains a substring
contains(prop("Text Property"), "search term")

Date Operations

// Days until deadline
dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

// Add days to a date
dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 7, "days")

// Format date as text
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM D, YYYY")

Conditional Logic

// Basic if statement
if(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

// Multiple conditions
if(condition1, value1,
  if(condition2, value2,
    if(condition3, value3, default_value)))


// Basic math
prop("Number1") + prop("Number2")

// Percentage
(prop("Part") / prop("Whole")) * 100

// Rounding


Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the powerful world of Notion formulas. By understanding the basics of data types, functions, and syntax, you've built a solid foundation for creating dynamic, automated systems in your Notion workspace.

Start by implementing the simple examples we've covered, then gradually experiment with more complex formulas as your confidence grows. Remember, even the most complex formulas are just combinations of the basic principles you've learned today.

Ready to level up? Check out our Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples guide, where we explore more sophisticated techniques and real-world applications that will take your Notion skills to the next level. And if you're concerned about performance, don't miss our guide on Notion Formula Optimization to keep your databases running smoothly.

Need More Help With Notion Formulas?

While this guide covers the essentials, creating complex formulas can still be challenging for beginners. If you'd like expert assistance with your specific formula needs, check out our Notion Formula AI Assistant.

This AI-powered tool helps you:

  • Generate ready-to-use formulas through simple conversations

  • Troubleshoot and fix formula errors instantly

  • Optimize existing formulas for better performance

  • Learn formula best practices while you work

Perfect for beginners who want to leverage advanced formula capabilities without the steep learning curve!

Until then, happy formula building!

Picture this: You're managing a complex project in Notion. You need to track deadlines, calculate budgets, and visualize progress—all while keeping information updated automatically as things change. Sounds impossible? Not with Notion formulas.

Notion formulas are the secret weapon that transforms your workspace from a simple document into a powerful, dynamic system that works for you. They're like having a mini-programmer inside your databases, constantly calculating, updating, and organizing your information exactly how you need it.

In this guide, we'll demystify Notion formulas and show you exactly how to use them—even if you've never written a single line of code before. By the end, you'll be able to create formulas that calculate dates, format text, make decisions based on conditions, and much more. Once you've mastered these basics, you can advance to Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples to take your skills even further.

Let's dive in and start building your formula foundation.

What Are Notion Formulas?

Notion formulas are bits of code that perform operations on your database properties. Think of them as Excel formulas, but more versatile and built specifically for Notion's ecosystem.

At their core, formulas take inputs (usually data from other properties), process them according to rules you define, and produce outputs that display in your database. The magic happens automatically—whenever your data changes, the formula recalculates instantly.

When to Use Notion Formulas

Formulas shine when you need to:

  • Calculate values: Total project costs, time remaining until deadlines, or average ratings

  • Format information: Combine first and last names, format dates, or create custom labels

  • Make conditional decisions: Highlight overdue tasks, categorize items based on criteria, or show different information depending on status

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Generate IDs, display progress bars, or create dynamic links

Creating Your First Formula Property

Let's start by adding a formula property to a database:

  1. Click the ... menu in your database (top-right corner)

  2. Select "Properties"

  3. Click "+ Add a property"

  4. Choose "Formula" from the dropdown

  5. Name your property

  6. Click "Edit formula" to open the formula editor

The formula editor is where the magic happens. It has four main sections:

  1. Editor Field: Where you write your formula

  2. Live Preview: Shows the current value returned by your formula

  3. Component List: Displays available properties, functions, and operators

  4. Context Window: Provides descriptions and examples for selected elements

Understanding Data Types in Notion Formulas

Before we dive into creating formulas, it's important to understand the different types of data you'll be working with. Each data type has specific functions and behaviors.

String (Text)

Strings are any text values. They're always wrapped in quotes in formulas.

"Hello world"


Numbers can be integers or decimals. You can perform mathematical operations on them.



Boolean values represent true or false states. In Notion, they appear as checkboxes.



Date objects contain date and optionally time information. They can be manipulated with date functions.


List (Array)

Lists store multiple values together. They can be accessed and manipulated with list functions.

[1, 2, 3]
["red", "green", "blue"]


Page values are references to other pages in your workspace, often created through relations.

Property Types in Formulas

When you reference properties in your formulas, the data type matters. Here's how different property types convert:

Essential Formula Components

Now that you understand data types, let's look at the building blocks of formulas.


Operators perform actions on values.

Mathematical Operators

  • + Addition (also used for text concatenation)

  • - Subtraction

  • x Multiplication

  • / Division

  • % Modulo (remainder after division)

  • ^ Exponentiation

Comparison Operators

  • == Equal to

  • != Not equal to

  • > Greater than

  • < Less than

  • >= Greater than or equal to

  • <= Less than or equal to

Logical Operators

  • and or && Logical AND

  • or or || Logical OR

  • not or ! Logical NOT


Functions are pre-built operations that perform specific tasks. Here are some essential ones:

Text Functions

  • concat(): Combines text strings

  • length(): Returns the length of text

  • format(): Converts a value to text

  • replace(): Replaces text within a string

  • lower() and upper(): Change text case

Number Functions

  • round(), floor(), ceil(): Round numbers

  • abs(): Get absolute value

  • min(), max(): Find minimum or maximum values

  • add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(): Perform calculations

Date Functions

  • now(): Current date and time

  • dateAdd(), dateSubtract(): Add or subtract from dates

  • dateBetween(): Calculate difference between dates

  • formatDate(): Format dates as text

Logical Functions

  • if(): Returns different values based on a condition

  • empty(): Checks if a value is empty

Property References

To reference another property in your formula, use:

prop("Property Name")

For example, to reference a property called "Due Date":

prop("Due Date")

Building Your First Formulas

Let's put it all together and create some useful formulas for everyday use.

1. Simple Calculation: Total Cost

Calculate the total cost by adding tax to the base price:

prop("Base Price") + (prop("Base Price") * prop("Tax Rate"))

2. Text Formatting: Full Name

Combine first and last names with proper spacing:

prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

3. Date Operations: Days Until Deadline

Calculate how many days remain until a deadline:

dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

4. Conditional Logic: Status Indicator

Display different status messages based on a condition:

if(prop("Complete"), "✅ Done", "⏳ In Progress")

5. Progress Indicator: Completion Percentage

Show a visual progress bar based on completion percentage:

if(prop("Progress") >= 1, "██████████ 100%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.9, "█████████░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.8, "████████░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.7, "███████░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.6, "██████░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.5, "█████░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.4, "████░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.3, "███░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.2, "██░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
if(prop("Progress") >= 0.1, "█░░░░░░░░░ " + format(round(prop("Progress") * 100)) + "%",
"░░░░░░░░░░ 0%"))))))))))

Troubleshooting Common Formula Errors

Even experienced formula builders encounter errors. Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

Syntax Errors

Problem: Missing parentheses, quotes, or commas. Solution: Count your opening and closing parentheses, and ensure all strings are properly quoted.

Type Errors

Problem: Using functions on the wrong data types. Solution: Make sure you're using the right functions for each data type. For example, don't try to add numbers to text without converting them first.

Empty Results

Problem: Formula returns nothing. Solution: Check if your referenced properties are empty. Use the empty() function to provide fallback values.

Name Errors

Problem: Property references don't work. Solution: Double-check property names for exact spelling and capitalization.

Formula Building Workflow: A Step-by-Step Process

Follow these steps to build effective formulas:

  1. Define the goal: What do you want your formula to accomplish?

  2. Identify inputs: Which properties will you need to reference?

  3. Choose functions: What operations do you need to perform?

  4. Start simple: Build the basic formula first

  5. Test and iterate: Add complexity gradually, testing each step

  6. Break it down: For complex formulas, build parts separately then combine them

  7. Document: Add comments to complex formulas using /* Comment */ syntax

Notion Formula Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Here's a quick reference guide for the most useful formula patterns:

Text Manipulation

// Combine text
prop("First Name") + " " + prop("Last Name")

// Format numbers as text
format(prop("Number Property"))

// Check if text contains a substring
contains(prop("Text Property"), "search term")

Date Operations

// Days until deadline
dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), now(), "days")

// Add days to a date
dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 7, "days")

// Format date as text
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM D, YYYY")

Conditional Logic

// Basic if statement
if(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

// Multiple conditions
if(condition1, value1,
  if(condition2, value2,
    if(condition3, value3, default_value)))


// Basic math
prop("Number1") + prop("Number2")

// Percentage
(prop("Part") / prop("Whole")) * 100

// Rounding


Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the powerful world of Notion formulas. By understanding the basics of data types, functions, and syntax, you've built a solid foundation for creating dynamic, automated systems in your Notion workspace.

Start by implementing the simple examples we've covered, then gradually experiment with more complex formulas as your confidence grows. Remember, even the most complex formulas are just combinations of the basic principles you've learned today.

Ready to level up? Check out our Advanced Notion Formulas: 10 Powerful Examples guide, where we explore more sophisticated techniques and real-world applications that will take your Notion skills to the next level. And if you're concerned about performance, don't miss our guide on Notion Formula Optimization to keep your databases running smoothly.

Need More Help With Notion Formulas?

While this guide covers the essentials, creating complex formulas can still be challenging for beginners. If you'd like expert assistance with your specific formula needs, check out our Notion Formula AI Assistant.

This AI-powered tool helps you:

  • Generate ready-to-use formulas through simple conversations

  • Troubleshoot and fix formula errors instantly

  • Optimize existing formulas for better performance

  • Learn formula best practices while you work

Perfect for beginners who want to leverage advanced formula capabilities without the steep learning curve!

Until then, happy formula building!

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